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September 2007

September 29, 2007

Another Hockey Season!

Filed under: Hockey — Bob @ 9:05 am

I’m watching the NHL season opener game right now, its between the Los Angles Kings and the Anaheim Ducks. To spice things up, its being held in London, England. Apparently they had to ship over a scoreboard, the boards and various other equipment. The game got off to a late start due to lighting issues.

We’ve also been attending a couple of Canucks pre-season games. We have new seats this year, still sitting behind the home goal although in row 10 (about 5 rows closer I think). The picture here is from our seats during the game against the Ducks, taken using the crappy little camera built into my RAZR phone.

I think I need a better camera. I probably need a better phone. I definitely need a phone with a better camera! Sadly the iPhone isn’t available in Canada yet, and I’m likely way too much of a cheap-skate to fork over $100 per month in charges. Although yes I would spend $500 on the phone though. I think the difference is that I don’t mind the one-time expense, but honestly I don’t get $20 per month of usage from my phone today, and paying five times as much just seems stupid.

Anyways, both Eileen and I are happy the hockey season as started again!

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