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December 2024

May 27, 2007

PDXBot.07 Results

Filed under: Robots — Bob @ 7:58 am

PDXBot.07 First Place Adv Minisumo I wasn’t able to get to Portland for this year’s PDXBot event as we had previous plans to be up to the Okanagan region that same weekend. But my friend Dave Hylands offered to take a couple of my robots with him and run them for me. So I packed up The Thin Man and AL the microsumo, gave Dave a few instructions and advice about behaviors and such.

I was very happy with the results: The Thin Man placed first in the Advanced Minisumo category. Dave’s cool minisumo Stinger placed second, and Daryl Sandberg’s Slik placed third. AL placed third in the Microsumo category. You can see the full results here and here.

Dave was gracious enough to provide some video footage from the event. I picked out two of the battles between two of Dave’s robots and The Thin Man for your viewing pleasure (each is 2.7 MB).

The Thin Man vs. Maurader

The Thin Man vs. Stinger

Both videos are a lot of fun to watch and highlight that winning is sometimes just a bit of luck. In both videos it is very clear that The Thin Man is good at tossing an opponent out of the ring but detecting the opponent is a bit of hit-or-miss. I really think both matches could have easily turned out quite differently. But I’m not one to complain at this point.


  1. Clearly, you are a robotic God.

    Comment by Eileen — May 29, 2007 @ 12:34 pm
  2. Well if you can’t count on the support of your wife, who can you count on? Thank you dear!

    Comment by Bob — May 29, 2007 @ 6:28 pm

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