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October 2024

November 30, 2008

30 Days of Movember

Filed under: Commentary,Humor,Work — Bob @ 9:22 pm

The end of Movember is upon us and I must admit to a certain amount of pride in my newly-discovered ability to grow a decent looking moustache. It isn’t the best facial hair I’ve ever seen but it is way ahead of my original expectations.

Eileen has grown to like the moustache, even trying to convince me I should keep it. Nope. It catches my lunch and that is very, very disturbing. I find myself pulling at it, there is a certain obsessive-compulsive quality to it that I’d rather avoid.

Shaving around it has become a chore as well. I will be clean-shaven once again by this time tomorrow, at least for eleven more months – I’m sure I’ll be participating in Movember 2009.

I got Eileen to take a few pictures throughout the month (posted to my MoSpace page) and I’ve now assembled them into a short video that allows a time-lapse Movember experience.

I’m very grateful to friends and family who donated to the Movember cause. I raised $602.84 and our team at Sophos (Team Mophos) raised a total of $6,929.14. Yay! Thanks everyone!

1 Comment

  1. Hey just so ya’ll know we will be donating $500 to Prostate Cancer Canada on the Mo Space of the person who has the best Movember moustache. All you have to do is submit a pic of your stash at our website. http://www.storwell.com/movember

    Please also include a link to your Mo Space. Once you have submitted the form you will be redirected to a custom page dedicated to your mo-photo. Simply this page with all your friends and get them to vote for you. On Nov 29th at exactly 12:01PM the moustache with the most votes wins. Simple as that!

    The winner will also receive Storwell Self Storage Movember Moustache Champion trophy.

    Best of luck and lets keep the awareness up,

    Joel Blain

    Comment by Storage Toronto — November 15, 2011 @ 6:36 pm

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